Side Quest February 2022 Roundup

February is pretty much over, so I figured it was good a time as any to assemble a monthly round up! There were four posts this month, including two bigger pieces that took several weeks of writing and work.

These included:

· Dragons are Better (Poem)

· The Useless Cleric, Chapter 1 (Fiction)

· A Cup of Tea (Poem)

· Pandemic Play: How COVID-19 Changed Tabletop RPGs for Then and (Maybe) Forever

I think, going forward, that breaking things up like this is (roughly), how I’d like to do things. I tend to get antsy if I’m working on the same sort of thing for too long. Having a diverse range of projects to bounce between helps me stave off pesky roadblocks like writer’s block.

· Dragons are Better is one of the longest poems I’ve written so far – ending just shy of 500 words.

· I have chapter two of The Useless Cleric outlined and I’m already working on it.

· Pandemic Play is probably the most complex feature style piece I’ve written in more than five years. I spoke with five separate individual sources, as well as the marketing team at Roll20 to assemble information and quotes.

What do you have to look forward to in March? I have two poetry concepts I’m working on currently. I hope to have The Useless Cleric’s second chapter finished within the next few weeks and I’m putting together a (shorter) feature about the indie RPG company Gemhammer & Sons. So at least a solid 3-4 content posts.

Thanks so much for reading and, of course, for the continued support of my subscribers.