Poetry This in an index of the poetry I've published on Side Quest.The Daughter of AutumnFirst SnowMisty MountainShield WallGorgon's BreathThe Magic SwordThe Wizard's OrbThe Seven Thousand StepsBattle AxeCrow in the TreeIn a Cave there DwellsMaiden of SnowDragons are BetterA Cup of TeaStand Against the DarknessBye Bye to My BeardDungeon DelvingMemories of a CastleShe Dances in the DewShadow of my ShadowBrainpokerThe Summer Maiden's PoolAbsent Touch of Battle's GloryUpon the Cliffside StillThe Sleeping DragonCold's Silver DeathThe Morning RoutineThe Ghost Atop the HillPetals FallingAn Ode to Red 6Store-Bought FramesCheck for Traps